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More than 100 sets of mould for ceramic backing welding

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More than 100 sets of mould for ceramic backing welding


Ceramic Welding Backing | Ceramic Backing Welding| Ceramic Backing Taps


Electroporcelain and steatite include items as diverse as high voltage insulators, spark plugs and electrotechnical passive components (sockets, actors, housings, resistors).

Different kinds of kilns are used : shuttle kilns, tophat kilns, continuous tunnel-, pusher- and roller hearth-kilns.

Saint-Gobain Ceramic Materials manufactures a variety of furnace refractories and kiln furniture for firing of electroporcelain. 



Spark plugs:

Spark plugs are mostly fired in tunnel kilns at a temperature as high as 1700°C. Furnace refractories include Bubble alumina insulating fire bricks ( RI33 ) and the load bearing areas of the kiln cars are lined with high strength mullite bricks ( MS2R, Mullfrax® EM ). The spark plugs or steatite parts are loaded on square saggers that require accurate dimensional tolerances and minimal distortion and cracking over service life, for compatibility with automated handling systems. Thus, high thermal-shock and creep resistant materials are requested. We recommend our mullite based AnnaMullit or Mulnorite® KN176 




High voltage insulators:

The largest insulators are fired hanging. Thus, structures capable to carry high loads at a temperature up to 1350°C are needed. The insulators are suspended at a frame made of advanced SiC beams and stringers (Silit SK, Crystar® 2000  or Advancer®) supported by posts made either of oxide bonded (Carbofrax®) or nitride bonded SiC (Cryston® CN159 or AnnaSicon®25). A special kiln car base design is requested in order to resist to the high load applied on the posts.




Date: 2023-04-10     hits: 472    Return

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